Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Post 4th Sludge

The best of intentions, the well-laid plans, the huge elephant looming over me in less than 7 weeks....

and I am still in my pajamas, drinking coffee and looking at my dog and running shoes. 

This does not look good.

I have no excuse to NOT go out for a run.  It's ideal!  Low humidity, only 65 degrees at 7:32am on Wednesday morning that I don't have to go to work, don't have any kids at home and a timeline that is pretty flexible today.  So why am I not out?

Lack of motivation. 

Just the THOUGHT of putting on my shoes makes me want to hurl.  Wish I had a better reason for that, but could it be over training?  Too extreme of a schedule for me?  I don't know.  I just know that I need to find my mojo and hit the pavement.


On a more positive note, I DID have a good 4th weekend!  I got in a run that was hot and humid in the South Dakota air, complete with a bite to my ass from a huge horsefly, jumping over a few dead snakes on the road and scaring the bejeezus out of a deer that ran and ran and ran across a field, jumping 3 fences to escape me.  Seriously dude, do I stink or something?

When I got back to the in-laws post run, I jumped in the kids pool complete with all my clothes on and sat in the cold water from the hose for about 10 minutes.  I have a whole new appreciation for the ice baths runners do after big races.  It was divine!  However, once I crawled out and stripped down on the driveway to my skivvies, apparantly that was a signal for my children that running naked is completely appropriate because they promplty took off their pajamas and ran around in diaper/underwear until Grandma could scoop them up and find swim suits.


Well, off to finish this delish cup of coffee, AKA juice of life, and then hit the shower.  Shoes: we will meet again soon.  Maybe tonight.

Or tomorrow.

Posing for the Christmas card